“Breaking Open” Dance Workshop :: March 23, 2019

Breaking Open Dance Workshop

Start Time

3:00 pm

March 23, 2019

Finish Time

6:00 pm

March 23, 2019


9 Old Burnsville Hill Rd #3, Asheville, NC 28804

“Dance is the Art of the Body. Dance is used as a medium to present all the emotions of the body”

Studies show that moving our bodies daily increases our quality of life , and uplifts our spirits.

Dance and self expression are powerful tools for creating more empowered relationships with ourselves , and other people.

I’ve never met one person who doesn’t like dancing (even if it’s only in the privacy of their own home).
In this workshop we will be exploring movement, breath, sensual movement, understanding self expression, and diving deeper into our relationship with movement our bodies and sensuality.
There is NO dance experience required!
This is NOT about perfect technique , this IS about getting to know our bodies ad exploring ways we can create a stronger bond with ourselves.

This workshop will be 3 hours long.

The Price is $50 (SOLD OUT)

Wear clothes you feel beautiful in, but you can still move around and roll around in.
We will discuss what our beliefs about sexuality and sensuality are- how that applies to our own bodies.

My intention for this workshop is to help open you up to yourself in a deeper more loving and accepting way.
Exploring how we relate to our bodies on a whole and how that is helping us , and how that may be hindering us.
I truly cannot wait to see you all there and break loose together.

– Amber Desmond

Amber is trained in Emotional Awareness coaching.
Her passion is deep self exploration, she has studied and practiced the principles of self love, vulnerability, and authenticity.

She has also been a bodyworker for 15 years & is passionate about movement/mind body connection. She has also been an avid pole dancer for the past year and a half, falling madly in love with dance and the incredible community of powerful women she’s met through this amazing adventure.

Amber’s intentions for this upcoming workshop is to combined her deep understanding of the emotional body, with the physical body.
To help us all tap into our sensuality from a more free and open space.
To help us connect more fully with our bodies through movement and self expression.
Touching on the topics of self love, self compassion, body image, sexuality, sensual movement, and emotional empowerment.

Who comes with us?